Audience Segmentation

Audience segmentation, also called customer segmentation is the act of separating an audience into small groups sharing similar characteristics.

Updated: October 11, 2023

Audience segmentation, also called customer segmentation is the act of separating an audience into small groups sharing similar characteristics. A large audience is break into smaller segments, where each segment includes a set of demographics, interests, needs, or behaviors. Certain segments respond to products and advertising differently as a result of this. 

Audience segmentation is used by organizations to tailor marketing campaigns, online advertisements, and products to specific groups within their audience which optimizes marketing and product development. Marketing automation software are now used by businesses to streamline the process and to really get to know an audience.

Demographic segmentation, Geographic segmentation, Psychographic segmentation and Behavioral segmentation are four main types of audience segmentation, which are distinguished by the factors used to segment people.  

In-depth understanding of your audience, optimized advertising and higher conversion rates are the benefits of audience segmentation. Organizations can understand their audience on a deeper level with audience segmentation and this information can be used to create products and messaging that will improve overall customer satisfaction. Response rates can be increased by segmenting audiences, as people are more likely to respond when the advertisement appeals to their interests

Companies should prioritize company goals, avoid over-segmenting, understand clusters vs. segments and watch out for bias to get the most out of audience segmentation. Market segmentation is performed by companies according to the groups they are selling to.

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