Backlinks, also referred as external links or inbound links are links from one website to another that pass authority and trust to indicate that the content of a site is valuable and credible.
Updated: October 11, 2023

Backlinks, also referred as external links or inbound links are links from one website to another that pass authority and trust to indicate that the content of a site is valuable and credible. They generally come from a website that isn't owned by the business or from one owned domain to a separate owned domain.
The linked site gains authority if a high authority website provides a backlink to another website. Search engine optimization (SEO) software are used by businesses to improve the off-page SEO of a website by monitoring backlinks and identifying new link building opportunities.
Backlinks are one of the top most important ranking factors despite search algorithms continually changing. This makes backlinks an important part of any SEO strategy.
Editorial backlinks, Guest blogging backlinks, Business profile backlinks, Badge backlinks and Comment backlinks are the most common types of backlinks.
Backlinks are used for giving users a wider context for information, supporting a claim made within the content and providing a recommendation to a user, whether followed links or not.
Backlinks can significantly improve the ranking position of a site within search engines. It can help boost credibility and authority of a site, search engines discover new sites and send referral traffic from one site to another.
There are many effective ways to maximize link building depending on the type of industry the business is in, the budget allocated for PR, and the resources available to execute the strategy. Creating link-worthy content, writing relevant guest posts, publishing original research and responding to media pitches are best practices for getting backlinks.