Business Model Canvas
A business model canvas is a snapshot of business plan or business model of a company.
Updated: October 30, 2023

A business model canvas is a snapshot of business plan or business model of a company. The key elements of a company, from customer segments to strategic partners is briefly explained by the document.
Companies are offered a method for planning and strategizing by a business model canvas. BMC is quicker to read, simpler to share, and easier to update as the business evolves since it is so much shorter than a traditional business plan.
Business plan software can be used by companies to create business model canvases or more detailed business plans through drag-and-drop templates. Opportunities can be defined and financial statements can be made by using these tools.
A business model canvas can be broken down into three sections. External factors or desirability is shown by the right side of the template, internal factors or feasibility is shown by the left side and financials or viability is shown by the bottom. Value proposition, Customer segments, Channels, Customer relationships, Key activities, Key resources, Key partnerships, Cost structure and Revenue streams are the basic elements of a business model canvas.
Capturing the business at-a-glance, making it easy to see how business elements interact and creating a flexible framework are some of the benefits of a business model canvas.
Benefits of using a Business Model Canvas
- Clarity: Provides a clear, concise overview of the business model.
- Visual Representation: Offers a visual framework for easy understanding and communication.
- Collaboration: Encourages team collaboration and shared understanding.
- Flexibility: Allows for adaptability and iteration of business models.
- Holistic View: Considers all key aspects of the business in one canvas.
- Validation: Helps confirm the viability of business ideas and assumptions.
- Innovation: Supports the exploration of new and creative business models.
- Risk Mitigation: Identifies and manages risks and assumptions.
- Alignment: Ensures all components of the business model work harmoniously.
- Communication: A powerful tool for sharing the model with stakeholders and partners.