Cloud Monitoring

Cloud monitoring is the process of analyzing, tracking, and managing cloud-based applications and infrastructure to ensure optimal performance, availability, and security.

Updated: November 21, 2023

Cloud monitoring is the process of analyzing, tracking, and managing cloud-based applications and infrastructure to ensure optimal performance, availability, and security. Businesses can fix problems in the cloud environment before they affect the end-user experience.

Cloud monitoring is a part of cloud management and security processes which include manual or automated techniques and tools to analyze and track network availability, application performance, resource allocation and utilization, and security events.

Cloud infrastructure monitoring software and cloud security monitoring software can assist with automated cloud monitoring. Different types of cloud computing services like software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) are used by businesses. Public, private, hybrid, or multi-cloud architectures can also be employed. Therefore, it becomes essential to stay on top of different parts of the cloud and ensure everything works together seamlessly.

Database monitoring, Website monitoring, Application performance monitoring (APM), Cloud storage monitoring, Virtual machine (VM) monitoring, Virtual network monitoring and Unified monitoring are different types of cloud monitoring techniques that can be used for tor this purpose. 

Cloud monitoring can enhanced security, improved end-user experience and provide effective capacity planning, cloud cost optimization, proactive issue resolution.

Businesses need to define objectives, use a unified platform, utilize automation, use performance baselines and review and refine to get the most out of their cloud environment.

Types of cloud monitoring

  • Performance Monitoring
  • Security Monitoring
  • Cost Monitoring
  • Log Monitoring
  • User Experience Monitoring
  • Application Monitoring
  • Infrastructure Monitoring
  • Network Monitoring
  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Incident Monitoring

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