Cookies, sometimes called browser cookies are small text files that track user data and browsing activities.
Updated: November 26, 2023

Cookies, sometimes called browser cookies are small text files that track user data and browsing activities. The primary purpose of cookies is to identify the behavior of users on the internet to customize their browsing experience.
Generally, the files contain usernames and passwords, links visited, e-commerce shopping carts, location, and other set preferences when a user visit a website. Cookie tracking software is often used by companies to scan websites and identify which cookies are present, so they can disclose all trackers and gain consent from users.
First-party cookies, Third-party cookies, Persistent cookies, Session cookies and Secure cookies are some of the common types of cookies. More personalized browsing experiences, simple interface, computer storage, supported online shopping and better use of time are advantages for web users and website owners offered by cookies.
User privacy have been raised as a concern while using cookies. Even though cookies are small, they occupy space on the computer of users and over some time, it is possible that stored cookies could slow the speed of a computer. Hackers may be able to access personal accounts and other information as they can easily intercept the information collected by cookies.
Website owners should disclose cookie usage in a policy and obtain user consent for cookies when using cookies.