Cross-Browser Support

Cross-browser support, also known as cross-browser compatibility is the ability of a web application, website or HTML constructs to support multiple web browsers.

Updated: November 27, 2023

Cross-browser support, also known as cross-browser compatibility is the ability of a web application, website or HTML constructs to support multiple web browsers. Website or web application can render properly from all browsers with the help of this.

Browser compatibility is verified for Page layout, Navigation, Color and graphics, Multimedia (audio and video), Content presentation, Functionality and Accessibility.

Software testing tools are used by testers to diagnose issues, track bugs, manage development schedules, and improve the overall system performance as they need to regularly monitor performance and functionality.

Multiple browsers, various browser versions, different operating systems, multiple screen sizes, different font types and sizes, HTML errors and Browser bugs are the major causes of browser compatibility issues.

You should consider simple website markup, validate the code, create CSS rules, development in one single browser, avoid browser quirks modes, provide fallbacks and perform manual coding to ensure cross-browser support.

Browser compatibility is one of the biggest challenges for developers as visitors can now access the same page in many ways with the advent of multiple browsers. Cross-browsing support ensures that websites behave similarly when opened in different browsers. It can also be ensured that the design and functionality of a website meet development standards and provide a consistent experience.

Cross-browser compatibility issues

  • Rendering Differences
  • CSS Compatibility
  • JavaScript Compatibility
  • Box Model Differences
  • Event Handling Discrepancies
  • Cross-Browser Testing Challenges
  • Browser-Specific Features
  • Performance Variations
  • Responsive Design Issues
  • Compatibility with Older Browsers