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Affiliate Software

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Affiliate Software

Explore best Affiliate Software for your business.

Affiliate Software:

Affiliate Software is a software that helps businesses manage their affiliate marketing programs.It is used for tracking and reporting of actions like sales, registrations, or clicks from affiliate links.Affiliate software helps businesses track affiliate referrals, calculate commission payouts, and provide reporting and analytics on affiliate performance.
Tracking is necessary to manage and reward or compensate the participants of a affiliate networks. Affiliates are those who agreed to promote or be promoted while those who promote and recommend are called marketers and those who have the products that are promoted are called advertisers.
Based on the number of clicks, confirmation of page views and impressions of advertising material like banner, links, etc of the marketers and confirmation of purchases and transaction of monetary values of the advertisers, the software will be able to credit referrers.
Affiliate networks are created by many online businesses to manage affiliates that help promote their products and services. The affiliate platforms works as a broker to intermediate and manage both marketers and advertisers. Managing the affiliate software directly is not possible. There should be an integration between the affiliate merchant's site and affiliate network's software.

Procedure Followed by an Affiliate Software:

Tracking the various aspects of a given action is the main purpose of an Affiliate Software. These are commonly categorized as below:

  • Cost per click:CPC
  • Cost per acquisition:CPA
  • Cost per sale:CPS
  • Cost per impression:CPM
  • Cost per install:CPI
  • Cost Per Order:CPO
  • Cost Per Lead:CPL
  • Cost Per Visitor:CPV

Tracking through a Affiliate Software can be done by detecting the IP address of client, detecting the browser detail, affiliate referral of marketer and  completed transaction of advertiser. A reliable software is required to prevent fraud for all type of transactions, as the affiliate networks is also related to sales channels and sales campaigns paying sales commissions. The Affiliate Software can be used for this which can also provide security and privacy.

Features of Affiliate Software:

Consolidation of data is the main feature of affiliate software to provide dashboard for marketers and advertisers that helps in tracking all activity. Activities can be verified in a consistent manner by demonstrating transaction value, transaction fees, traffic origins and destinations, geography and payment balance.

  • The affiliate software can generate a code, token or shortened URL, or can track by affiliate name. A special unique URL is required for tracking of all clicks and leads. The affiliate id and the campaign number of an URL will be parsed to the website of advertiser. It is then associated with a user cookie to identify landing page, user identification, visit date, expire date and related sales closing information. These tracking URLs are also called as tracking codes which can be generated by the software.
  • Tracking time and location of impression, lead and sale, number of click that are usually gathered from user cookies are sent back from the server site of the advertiser to the tracking software server for consolidation.
  • An affiliate software can track the location of source. It can also track the web page originating the URL link and source type such as keyword, banner, search or chatbot. This provide the information to both marketers and advertisers that help improving context and maximize click-through ratios and sales conversion.
  • The software can identify the volume in traffic and the effectiveness of the affiliate in selling or making money for the network.
  • The IP changing software and chatbots can simulate clicks and purchases. It can even be hacked to inject data into the software database to increase affiliate credits and ratios. This type of fraud can be detected by using an affiliate software.

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