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Authentication Software
Explore best Authentication Software for your business.
Authentication Software:
Authentication Software is a software that allows the user to perform secure online transactions or access corporate resources, applications, and facilities by identifying both client side and server side. Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of an individual which involve validating personal identity documents or verifying the authenticity of a website with a digital certificate.
Authentication factors:
The factors of authentication are mainly three types which may be something the user knows, something the user has, and something the user is. Each of these authentication factor include a range of elements that are used to authenticate or verify the identity of a person prior to granting access, approving a transaction request, granting authority to others, signing a document or other work product, and establishing a chain of authority. At least two, and preferably all three, factors should be verified for a positive authentication from security point of view. The three factors and some of components of each factor are:
- Knowledge factors that consist of something the user knows such as a password, partial password, pass phrase, personal identification number (PIN), security question and challenge response.
- Ownership factors that consist of something the user has such as wrist band, ID card, security token, implanted device, software token, or cell phone holding a software token, cell phone with built-in hardware token.
- Inherence factors that include something the user is or does such as fingerprint, retinal pattern, DNA sequence, voice, signature, face, unique bio-electric signals, or other biometric identifier.
Single factor authentication:
In single factor authentication, only a single component from one of the three categories of factors is required to authenticate the identity of an individual. As the use of only one factor does not provide much protection from misuse or malicious intrusion, this type of authentication is not recommended for financial or personal transactions that requires a higher level of security.
Multi-factor authentication:
Multi-factor authentication requires two or more authentication factors to provide authentication. Using a debit card along with a PIN provides two factor authentication which is is a special case of multi-factor authentication involving exactly two factors. Two-factor verification is a stronger and safer way of verification than a single factor authentication and therefore helps to reduce the risk of misuse of authentication data such as a stolen password or a PIN code. It is used to protect highly sensitive information.
Features of Authentication Software:
Feature of Authentication Software include:
- Two-factor authentication
- Multi-factor authentication
- Biometric authentication
- Mobile phone authentication
- SMS verification
- Social Login
- Authentication using electronic identification (eID)
- User Information Management (Credential Management)
- Single sign on (SSO)
- Security Policy Management (Policy Management)
Benefits of Authentication Software:
The main advantage of using an Authentication Software is data security. Other advantages include:
- It help enhancing compliance and mitigating legal risks
- It help making the login process more easy. The extra layer of security enables organizations to enhanced security.
- It help setting security expectations. Organization can identify and classify common business scenarios based on risk level and determine when MFA login is required.
- MFA can also be used to set a limit on where a user can access your information from or to restrict user access based on their location to prevent the risk of data theft.
- It provides single-sign-on solutions which is not only secure but also makes signing into multiple systems easy, using one set of login credentials.
- It provides effective cybersecurity.