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Relocation Software

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Up-to-date listing of Relocation Software to assist you throughout your software selection and purchase journey.

Relocation Software:

Relocation Software is a software that is used by human resources professionals and relocation agencies to manage and track mobility programs and all related activities.
The necessary tools can be included in the software for companies and mobility professionals to track, administer, and manage relocation benefits and programs.

Features and Benefits of Relocation Software:

The Relocation Software has several features that can benefit the user in many ways to grow their business. Some of these include:

  • Features such as relocation expense management, cost projection, destination details, budget tools, and detailed reporting and analytics can be provided.
  • The software is beneficial especially for companies with global workforces and global mobility programs. However, all industries and company departments can benefit from these solutions.
  • Domestic-based packages can be provided by some relocation software, while others focus on international relocations.
  • It can be integrated with core HR software to streamline business processes
  • Tools can be provided to track, administer, and manage relocation management programs.
  • Employees can access resources and support necessary to prepare for the relocation.
  • Detailed cost projections, budget tools, and reporting sheets can be provided.
  • You can store your policies in a central, online location which enables your hiring managers to access policies as needed instead of reaching out for the latest policies every time they hire.
  • Hiring managers can assign policies to individual transferees who will then see it in their moving portal in some relocation software.
  • Fewer questions will come back to you and hiring managers as a copy of the relocation policy can be provided within their moving portal that allows transferees to reference the policy as they are choosing vendors and planning their move.
  • Data can be easily captured about a relocation using relocation technology to support your transferees.
  • You can see the progress of their move, including how often they interact with the software and what tasks they have completed when transferees leverage software which provides both you and your hiring manager visibility into how the move is going and allows you to step in if it seems like the relocation is not progressing as expected.
  • Insight can also be provided into the status of a lump sum disbursement and the associated cost report can be quickly generated.
  • You will be able to track the status of the disbursement online to see if the transferee has signed their repayment agreement or input their banking information when you are providing a grossed-up lump sum to your transferees and administering the disbursement using Relocation Software.
  • Report can be generated showing the funds distributed and associated taxes which will be available online, instead of having to wait until a manual report is generated and emailed once the lump sum is disbursed.
  • The amount of time answering relocation questions can be reduced, which will help freeing up your time and allowing you to focus on more strategic projects and initiatives
  • General moving education can be provided by some software that allow you to import your own company documents into the move portal.   
  • As the information provided in such a way that it is easy to access, it can help transferees better prepare and plan for their move on their own, without having to call you for assistance.
  • Flexibility and control can be managed by incorporating your company culture and best practices.
  • Success can be drived by integrating these essential elements with Intelligent Automation that empowers each employee with self-service tools and directed guidance.
  • The time and effort can be reduced with intuitive wizards, re-usable templates, calculators and import utilities that automate the detail work of a global assignment.
  • Establishing a budget, projecting the cost, calculating Tax, reconciling payroll is esier with the relocation software.

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