Find Best Tool Management Software for Your Business

We help you find the right Tool Management Software for your business.

Tool Management Software

Tool Management Software:

Tool Management Software is a software that is used by organizations to track and maintain their tool inventory.
The software allows you to keep meticulous records of all of your equipment locations and access them with the click of a button irrespective of their size.

Features and Benefits of Tool Management Software:

The Tool Management Software has several features that can benefit the user in many ways to grow their business. Some of these include:

  • An undisputable digital trail of all equipment can be created and managed for monitoring purposes and swift auditing.
  • Businesses can keep an inventory of tools and track the physical locations and usage of the tool.
  • Features can be offered to check tools in and out through barcodes or unique identifiers. Each checked-out tool can be associated with an employee record to increase accountability.
  • Historical record of tool usage can also be kept.
  • Features can be included for scheduling maintenance based on tool use, and identify when a tool may need to be replaced.
  • The asset information can be accessed from any device, any place, and at any time.
  • End-to-end asset lifecycle can be managed from procurement to retirement as you will be able to add and track asset purchase orders, vendors, maintenance histories, and lifetime costs.
  • Asset stock and consumable items including inventory can also be tracked by location along with assets. As you can get low stock alerts, stock can be transfered across sites with ease.
  • As assets in and out can be checked effortlessly, asset custodians can be empowered to play an active role in keeping asset information up to date.
  • Barcodes and QR Codes can be scanned in an instant by using Android, iOS and Windows apps. Mass actions can also be taken on items any time, from any location .
  • You can see which assets and asset stock are available, reserved, checked out or under maintenance by Availability Calendar and filter data by time period, group or location.
  • You can quickly see the item events which are taking place on any given day using the Dashboard Calendar, or toggle forward or ahead for additional information.
  • You can plan ahead and ensure conflict-free bookings by Reservations module.
  • You can keep a track of Purchase Orders along with your assets. Items linked to Purchase Orders can be automatically updated, and vendors and procurement costs can be managed from one place.
  • An external RFID reader can be used to scan large quantities of items in seconds and mass-actions can be taken on these items from your iOS app.
  • Details such as geo-location, IP address and other useful information can be revealed from each scan of an asset label which can be done either by QR Codes or Barcodes.
  • Professional grade labels of different sizes, styles and formats can be created using the label designer. A third-party scanners can also be used to quickly scan Barcodes and QR Codes.
  • Ddynamic import wizard can be used to import and export asset information which makes adding, updating and downloading asset information a breeze.
  • Asset meta locations can be managed with our rich locations feature. Assets can be linked to field locations to distribute and use assets efficiently.
  • Multi-format custom fields for items and carts, including fields for dates and dropdowns can be set. Email alerts can also be customized.
  • Assets can be classified into groups and subgroups for clarity and ease of use. Custom fields, service triage and visibility can be defined based on groups.
  • Actions can be taken on multiple items using carts. Projects can be tracked across locations, and time can be saved by using cart templates for similar events.
  • Visibility of certain items can be limited based on item group, location, or both which is particularly useful when managing different departments or teams within an organization.

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