StarChapter works directly with local chapter leaders, national associations, association management companies (AMC), and other membership based organizations to save time and money. Features like emails, event registration, membership, website design, and payment processing can be combined in one place. The Project Manager of StarChapter will set up your service with you, coordinate the project for you, and train users even when the board transitions. Access to 24/7 online technical support and unlimited industry and training resources can be provided to the customers. Application Management, Chapter Management, Committee Management, Dues Management, Election Management, Email Marketing, Event Management, Financial Management, Fundraising Management, Jobs Board, Member Communities, Member Database, Member Directory, Member Portal and Member Types are some of the features of StarChapter.
If you are in search of alternatives to StarChapter, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top StarChapter alternatives.