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Helpjuice is a Knowledge Base Platform that can be used by companies for reducing support and sharing knowledge internally. The software help you scale your customer support and collaborate better with your team. It can be integrated into your existing Support process and have a dedicated document view. It can support your growing global base of customers in their knowledge with multi-language support for your knowledge base. every single language is supported and it is easy to switch around languages from authoring panel. You do not have to do any setup as Helpjuice knowledge base is already well optimized for SEO. You will not only be aware of what people are searching for and not finding, but also who those people are, what you should be writing in your knowledge base, which articles need improvement and more with the Helpjuice Analytics.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Helpjuice, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Helpjuice alternatives.