
Evidence is an eCommerce Software that can be used by small business to boost their websites conversion by adding real time social proof. Simply adding a pixel and connecting your other apps, site visitors can see real time social proof of your products and services within a few minutes. Complete control over the design and display of your social proof notifications can be taken by you. Endless possibilities for your campaigns can be provided as Evidence enables you to use endless merge data types and dynamic images. Targeted notifications and calls to action can be used to drive more conversions. It show off individual actions taken by site visitors to build trust and encourage others to do the same.

For detail features, demo & price please visit evidence website:

Evidence Alternative

If you are looking for Evidence alternatives, there are many Evidence alternatives available in the market. We have curated a list of the best Evidence alternatives so that you can choose your software accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Evidence

How much does Evidence cost?

For Evidence pricing and features please visit Evidence website.

What are some alternative for Evidence ?

Top alternatives to Evidence are Madgicx , Helium 10.

How do you integrate Evidence ?

Enquire now in SaaSUncovered for the main Evidence integration partners & suppliers. If you are a Evidence integration partners you can also list in SaaSUncovered.