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AbacusLaw is a fully integrated law practice management solution that can be used by firms of all sizes, in all practice areas and jurisdictions to support them from client intake to payment. AbacusLaw is flexible and dynamically scalable with features including rules based calendaring, document and form automation, matter management, conflict checking, contact management, document and email management, time tracking, billing, balance, accounting, trust accounting and more. Issues are kept in a very organized way. Tabs can be customized as per your firm. Everyone can log in from wherever they are and view the daily organizer for all or individuals. You can keep notes in files and monitors for conflicts. It is very useful for setting ticklers to use as reminders

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If you are in search of alternatives to AbacusLaw, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top AbacusLaw alternatives.