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AccessE11 is an easy-to-use and quick to implement Municipal Software that can be used by local governments that serve communities up to 100,000 residents. Efficiency can be improved by providing a centralized solution for all issues. Citizen issues can be easily captured from any source. Any resident can be easily found with a few key strokes and enter details of their issue. Notification is automatically sent to the assigned person or department, with the full details including geo-location on the municipal map. AccessE11 can be accessed anytime, anywhere on any web-enabled device as it is web-based. It comes with a mobile app which can be used by field workers. It also works offline if they are out of range and automatically syncs when its back online, bringing all information up-to-date. Day-to-day tasks can be efficiently managed and status can be communicated to staff and citizens.

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If you are in search of alternatives to AccessE11, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top AccessE11 alternatives.