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Accuvio is a flexible, Global Sustainability Environmental Social Governance Reporting Software solution that can be used by organizations that report to the CDP or have Carbon Reporting Compliance requirements, to establish a more robust Greenhouse Gas Emissions reporting process and procedure for their operations. Ease of use can be combined with incredible data processing power tools to deliver a user experience which exceeds expectations. Absolute confidence in report accuracy can be ensured in all levels of your organization with assured calculations and expert advisers. Your ESG Ranking can be accelerated among investors and your Environmental Risk Rating can be reduced through rapid and accurate survey responses. Financial grade controls can be demonstrated and hidden value can be unlocked. The scope of reporting can be increased and the burden on your colleagues can be reduced at the same time by streamlining data collection. All your ESG and Sustainability information can be collected and the reports you need can be produced instantly. You can enjoy quick, painless and sometimes remote verification as the software is auditable, traceable and verifiable.

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