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AdPushup is a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) and a revenue optimization platform that can be used by Web and Media publishers who earn revenue by running online web ads. Publishers can increase their advertising revenue using cutting-edge technology, premium demand, and proven ad operations expertise. Automated A/B testing, header bidding, innovative ad formats, and AdBlock recovery can be offered. More revenue can be generated by the content creators by connecting with more than 50 premium advertising exchanges, deploying cutting-edge ad serving technology, and providing hands-on ad operations expertise. Productivity can be maximized from every single ad impression on your website using a single platform. Point-and-click creation of new ad units and layouts are allowed by visual ad manager. Ad revenue growth can be increased using automated A/B testing with machine learning based layout optimizer. You can get the best yield for every single impression as our system auto-selects the optimal number of partners.

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