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Alboom Proof is an online proofing software that can be used by Creative Entrepreneurs, Photographers, Designers and Freelancers to save time and delight customers. You can make your clients review photos and photo albums 100 percent online from any device. Comments can be provided by clients and the proofing rules can be customized in a way you sell more photos and more albums. Sales opportunities can be created together with the proofing process. Costly and manual steps can be avoided to get the job done by using the visual panel of the proofing stages. The proofing can be finalized in less time and less efforts using the alerts and reminders of Alboom Proof. Notification can be send for each activity made by your customer. You can speed up each work with visual manager for the proofing which is intuitive and editable. The activity of your customers are automatically saved. Multiple comments in each image are allowed.

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