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Algonomy is Omnichannel Personalization that can be used by Enterprise retailers, brands & B2B commerce businesses looking to differentiate themselves through 1:1 personalized experiences across search, content, and recommendations across the customer journey. Advanced AI is leveraged to deliver 1:1 personalized experiences, in real-time and at scale. Marketers and commerce leaders to pivot from campaigns/products to customers, without having to choose between tactical conversion goals and long-term customer lifetime value with a unified, real-time user profile. Fragmented experiences can be eliminated and true omnichannel personalized experiences can be delivered throughout the buyer lifecycle across all touchpoints, at scale. You can increase purchase frequency and maximize CLTV with visual human assistant like shopping experiences. Fast changing catalogs, long tail and seasonal products can be personalized even with sparse or no historical data. Non-tech users will be able to quickly build, test and iterate new personalization strategies with fine-grained control for marketers and merchandisers.

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