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AlternativeSoft is a versatile platform that can be used by Fund Investors such as funds of funds, Pension Funds, Endowments and Foundations, Private Banks, OCIOs, RIAs, Family Offices and Consultants. It can also be used by Asset Managers including Hedge Fund Managers and Mutual Fund Managers. Investment optimization can be redefined by providing the most extensive set of quantitative tools available on the market for investment management, report creation and risk analysis. It is a user friendly and highly intuitive platform that provides both a greater breadth of analytics and monitoring options at a faster speed compared to other competing platforms. Free customized fact sheets, free installation and free 24hr are featured. It can be used by institutional investors to create a personalized investment. Investments can be tracked and analyzed in hedge funds, mutual funds, ETF's and private market funds. Your fund can be marketed to potential investors and comprehensive competitor analysis can be performed.

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