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Amicus Attorney is a Practice Management software that integrates your information into a single system for improved efficiency and profitability. You can track and invoice billable time, automate important documents, and provide easy access to all your clients and case files by using this intuitive case management solution. You can either work from your desktop or in the private cloud integrating with QuickBooks and other applications. Billing & Invoicing, Calendar Management, Case Defined Timekeepers, Case Notes, Client Management, Client Portal, Completion Tracking, Conflict Management, Contract/License Management, CRM, Docket Management, Document Management, Email Management, Expense Tracking and Legal Case Management are some of the features that can be included in Amicus Attorney.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Amicus Attorney, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Amicus Attorney alternatives.