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Aplos is an accounting software that can be used by nonprofits or churches to handle fund accounting, donor or member management, fundraising tools, auto-tracking of gifts and recurring donations, and much more. You will be able to focus on your mission with our all in one software nonprofit accounting software suite as so much of time can be saved. Contributions and gifts can be applied to specific funds or projects. Better financial stewardship for your organization by keeping track of how close you are to reaching your goals. Advanced accounting tools and reports can be provided for organizations that need them. You can keep track of your people more effectively through a fully integrated dynamic CRM software. Custom lists can be created to email or bulk text message the right people with the right communications. Contacts can be organized into groups and teams to enhance collaboration and management. Data can be viewed and shared in real time to better your financial stewardship

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If you are in search of alternatives to Aplos, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Aplos alternatives.