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ArboStars is an unique mobile and web based software platform that can be used by businesses in the tree care industry to streamline processes related to CRM, scheduling, dispatching, accounting and GPD tracking. Innovative tools are provided to save time, gain live insights on business performance, and better manage clients. A real time view of all your business activities, including leads, current jobs, and the location of all your crews, equipment and vehicles can be viewed on an interactive map. All potential and current clients can be viewed in order to simplify scheduling and marketing, while conducting your business in the most efficient way possible. Analytical tools and modules can be used to measure and evaluate your business performance, advertising ROI, employee efficiency and many other metrics, in order to both gauge and improve your business intelligence. Leads can be turned into sales and prospects into clients. sales targets and tasks can be created for your team with the intelligent CRM system which are all fully customizable and adjustable to suit your needs, resources, and deadlines.

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If you are in search of alternatives to ArboStar, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top ArboStar alternatives.