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Artwork Archive is an intuitive, cloud-based and affordable solution that can be used by small to mid-size museums to organize, manage and showcase their art collection. Museums are provided with simple, yet powerful tools to manage their art inventory. Intuitive tools and reporting along with complimentary data migration and a team of support specialists can be provided for small to mid-size museums with limited budgets and resources. Artists, collectors and organizations will be able to manage their artwork, career or collection. Your inventory, contacts, galleries, sales and more can be tracked in one place. Polished reports can be generated with ease as you can track pricing and sales. Time can be saved by creating invoices, inventory lists and labels with a click of a button. Your business or collection can be successfully managed in half the time. Your information remains private and protected with Artwork Archive. Data loss can be prevented with daily backups and the industry's top server architecture.

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