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Augmentir is an augmented reality platform that can digitize and optimize your front line work processes. Digital work instructions can be delivered to your front line teams on mobile devices or AR enabled smart glasses by transforming to a paperless operation. The skills gap can be closed, errors can be reduced and productivity can be improved by using Augmentir. Your workforce and your customers are virtually supported. Remote collaboration of customer is possible because of fetures like chat, live video, audio, file sharing, and AR annotations. The AI captures of Augmentir and accumulated tribal knowledge from SMEs will be turned into a sharable corporate asset. Companies will be able to identify opportunities for improving worker skills through AI based operational insights which help driving continuous improvement throughout the organization.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Augmentir, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Augmentir alternatives.