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Axure is an all-in-one software design tool that can be used by product managers, business analysts, and user experience professionals for creating prototypes, specifications, and diagrams. Users can plan software projects, prototype solutions, and hand off specifications to developers without code. UX professionals will have the power to build realistic, functional prototypes. UX prototypes can be created with unlimited combinations of event triggers, conditions, and actions to truly explore digital experiences. Powerful Axure RP widgets can be leveraged to create working forms, sortable grids, and dynamic interfaces. Multi-state dynamic panels can be used to make everything from popups to scrollable, swipe-able, mobile screens. Data-driven tables and grids can be created that you can dynamically sort and filter with the repeater widget. You can design for desktop, tablets, and phones on a single page and automatically show the appropriate view. Diagrams, customer journeys, wireframes, and other UX documentation can be created right next to your rich, functional UX prototypes.

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