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BasisBoard is a modern bid tracking & bid board solution that can be used by Commercial Subcontractors, Supply Houses, and Material Vendors. It helps you connects to your inbox, recognizes bid invite emails, and pulls the data into a dashboard instantly (deadlines, bidders, addendas) with zero data entry. You can see exactly who your best customers are instantly as out-of-the-box graphs and reports can be generated. Subcontractors and material vendors will be able to track all bids in one collaborative workspace without any manual data entry. You can automatically decline, accept, or assign jobs based on rules you created with BasisBoard. Your bid board can be made public with GCs so that they can stay up to date without having to bother you. Multiple estimators working on the same job can be prevented by putting all of your bid invites in one centralized system. You will never miss a bid with a board that updates every deadline automatically.

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If you are in search of alternatives to BasisBoard, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top BasisBoard alternatives.