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Betachon Freight Auditing is a cloud-based small parcel management software that audits small parcel and freight for Fedex, UPS, and DHL invoices for refunds owed. Total visibility and transparency can be provided into small parcel spend. Screenshot verification of refunds are provided with a user friendly interface. Quick, actionable insights can be provided with detail report. You can analyze trends and expense drivers like fuel surcharges, accessorials, zones and weight classes using intuitive reports. Data can be provided for rate negotiation on carrier accounts with Betachon Freight Auditing’s detailed reporting service. Insight to operational efficiency can be provided to managers in small parcel shipping. Operational efficiencies can be improved by comprehensive reporting and data can be provided in an actionable format. Dynamic, real-time data can be viewed in interactive charts and data tools with the Betachon Freight Auditing reporting dashboard. Late shipments can be identified with Late shipment reports which is useful in rate negotiation.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Betachon Freight Auditing, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Betachon Freight Auditing alternatives.