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BigChange is a complete Job Management Platform that can be used by building maintenance, construction, environmental and other field service companies to grow stronger everyday. The jobs of electrical businesses can be planned, managed, scheduled and tracked in one simple to use and easy to integrate, cloud based platform. The capacity of your teams can be increased, invoicing can be accelerated and cash flow can be transformed, while operational costs and admin time can be reduced. Industry leading growth and ROI can be achieved. Your entire operation from quotation to invoice can be managed on a mobile or tablet by connecting your office and field workers. You can get paid faster and enhance cash flow by invoicing. Operational costs can be reduced with smart job scheduling and less time spent on admin. Control can be taken with real time visibility across your jobs, fields teams, vehicles and assets. Your resources can be optimized by intelligently allocating teams, assets and vehicles to jobs

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If you are in search of alternatives to BigChange, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top BigChange alternatives.