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Black Duck is a comprehensive solution that can be used by software development and security teams, ranging from small businesses to enterprise customers for managing security, license compliance, and code quality risks that comes by using open source in applications and containers. An unmatched visibility can be provided into third party code, which enables you to control it across your software supply chain and prioritize your remediation activities. The insight you need to track the open source in your code can be provided by Black Duck software composition analysis solutions and open source audits. It help mitigate security and license compliance risks, and automatically enforce open source policies using your existing DevOps tools and processes. A fast and accurate analysis of open source license and security risks for M&A and internal audits can be provided. Individual files can be analyzed using an intuitive user interface or Black Duck multifactor open source detection, which automates the scanning of binary artifacts. Components can be quickly and reliably identified, even if they have been modified with Black Duck Binary Analysis by using a combination of static and string analysis techniques coupled with fuzzy matching against the Black Duck KnowledgeBase.

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