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BlackBoxx is a web-based ecommerce platform that provides social networking, inventory and customer management functonality for wineries and wine clubs.

BLACKbox Software is designed for those enterprises who has already invested in File Server hardware and still, their digital assets such as spreadsheets, ERP data, documents, drawings, designs, emails are disorganized on desktops and laptops, or who wants to  centralize their digital assets forcefully on their file server without giving the users a choice  to save them on their desktop. It can also be used by the enterprises who wants to implement information security modules on their existing file server. Existing file server are empowered to help organization to achieve business continuity goals by forced centralization of data, automatic backup and versioning of data and pushing the Data-on-Data Center to provide for disaster response.

Number Of Employee

>100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

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