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BOSS811 is a cloud based Ticket Management solution that can be used by municipalities, utilities, or Locators for excavation and 811 dig requests. Efficiency can be incresaed and cost can be reduced by using this easy to use Ticket Management solution. You can call 811 before you dig, excavating or locating services for Pipelines, Energy, Fiber, or Telecom, municipalities with gas, water, electric and underground utilities. Utilities and Locating Companies will be able to manage excavation and 811 dig requests. Ticket Management, Rules & Area Based Routing, Facility Mapping, Customizable Dashboards and Comprehensive Reporting are some of the key features included in BOSS811. Mobile Apps allow remote access and you can also upload pictures and videos with annotated site information. The appropriate response code are returned to the One Call Center without manual intervention with auto-clearing tickets based on specific parameters. Real-time access to data and analytics can be provided to stay compliant, avoid penalties and improve accountability and efficiency.

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