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Bounte is a cloud-based technology that can be used in hotels, aviation, travel, and venues to deliver a convenient, fast and reliable method for returning lost items. AI image recognition is used by the smartphone app to identify and log items while an integrated shipping wizard handles the return process and labeling. BOUNTE Protect is recently introduced by BOUNTE to minimize staff contact with lost property. Each found item is stored in a barcoded BOUNTE bag with BOUNTE Protect and sealed for hygiene and security. The customer experience can be enhanced and it also safeguard company brands by making it easy for owners to retrieve lost items. The customer learns quickly if the item has been secured, and it can be immediately shipped with BOUNTE. A staff member will be able to instantly sees whether the item was located and where it is stored with BOUNTE. Inventory management is at your fingertips as a searchable database keeps track of the item and labeling is handled by a return shipping wizard, saving time and reducing errors.

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If you are in search of alternatives to BOUNTE , you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top BOUNTE alternatives.