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BrightEdge is an organic search and content performance tool that is used by marketers to transform online content into business results, such as conversions, traffic, and revenue.

The BrightEdge platform has a sophisticated deep learning engine that help web-wide, real-time measurement of content engagement across all digital channels, including search, mobile, and social. Marketers can discover new search and digital opportunities and understand the customer experience in macro and micro detail with the help of BrightEdge.

Users can discover what customers are searching for and get there before competitors. A content marketing strategy can be created that targets, performs, and delights. You can also boost the performance of your Facebook and Twitter social campaigns with the help of BrightEdge. The gap between digital and physical locations can be covered with intelligent content. Micro-moments can be won by putting mobile consumers at the center.

Number Of Employee

>100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

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