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Bugfender is a cloud-hosted remote logging tool that can be used by iOS Developers, Android Developers, JavaScript Developers, and other app developers in general. It can also be used by App Testing/QA teams, and Customer Support teams. You will be able to find bugs before your users do by the help of Bugfender. Fast remote access to your mobile or web application logs can be provided for any user in real time, wherever they are in the world. It logs virtually everything going beyond standard crash reporting, even when the device is offline. You can make your users happy as instant visibility can be gained with in-app user feedback and bugs are fixed faster than ever. It is a log storage service for application developers that help collect everything happening in the application in order to reproduce and resolve bugs more effectively and provide better customer support.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Bugfender, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Bugfender alternatives.