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BuildSafe is a digital collaboration platform that can be used by construction teams that need to easily report information on site and have that information visualised in real-time at the office. It can be made easy to involve the whole project with a variety of user roles. Risks and disturbances can be reported, follow up and analyzed by the entire project organisation including developers, contractors and sub-contractors resulting in streamlined deviation management, risk reduction and substantial time savings. Inspections, observation/near-miss/accident reporting, real-time dashboards, powerful analytics and site inductions are the key features of BuildSafe. User-friendly tools are provided for combining checklists, forms and controls. Trends and KPI's can be automatically analyzed and visualized. Everyone on site can be enabled to report observations and incidents. Root causes can be mapped out and identified. Everything that happens can be captured by engaging the entire project organization in reporting. You can get more information about risks and disturbances on site.

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If you are in search of alternatives to BuildSafe, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top BuildSafe alternatives.