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CatalogIt is a powerful, intuitive, multi-user, mobile/desktop app that can be used by mseums, historical societies, historic homes, organizations and private/family collections, artists, dealers, collections consultants, and professional conservators to securely catalog and collaboratively manage collections anywhere. Your collections can be instantly captured by using your phone's camera or another device in the moment or later. You can snap and upload photos to the app from any location, such as a historic site, in a basement storage room, at an auction or on the go. Detailed entries can be created to document your items, including physical properties, records, images, and changes over time. Entries including value, location, and condition can be securely tracked and updated adding to their stories in real time. The power of your collections can be leveraged by managing and maintaining your objects, coordinating exhibitions, and sharing your stories with the world. You can choose to share data through the flexible web publishing options of CatalogIt, using the CatalogIt HUB or your own website, using our API, WordPress plugIn, or iframe integration.

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If you are in search of alternatives to CatalogIt, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top CatalogIt alternatives.