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Chemical Safety EMS is a management and reporting application that can be used by organizations to track your chemical inventory and hazardous waste from beginning to end. All the special issues associated with using, storing and disposing of hazardous materials can be addressed by using this EMS. Your objectives in less time with tightly integrated environmental health and safety software modules. Money can be saved by purchasing only the modules that you need. All of the phases of hazardous waste management can be addressed in compliance with RCRA guidelines for generation, pickup, consolidation, treatment, manifesting, disposal and reporting. Automated waste pickup requests can be created that notify waste handlers in real time. Waste items, lab packs, waste drums and consolidation can be tracked and managed easily. Onsite waste treatment and recycling functions can be managed with a complete tool set. Detailed reports can be created for company and regulatory data exchange. The CERCLA Biennial Report can be automatically created and submitted .

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If you are in search of alternatives to Chemical Safety EMS, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Chemical Safety EMS alternatives.