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CMRAD is an online solution that is ideal for individual Radiologists to global Radiology Service Providers. You can get support on your case, share your expertise and learn from others by using this platform. Radiologists will be able to collaboratively establish diagnosis around imaging findings. Anonymous image data can be handled by this service. You can share your case with experts around the world as well as consult and collaborate in a professional environment. Human and machine expertise can be accessed and your own reference library can be build. Radiological cases and DICOM images can be shared among Radiologists, suggesting diagnosis, differentials, lectures and papers to read. Audit Trail, Automated Routing, Comparison View, Compliance Management, Diagnostic Tools, Image Analysis, Image Fusion, PACS Integration and Scanning Input are some of the features that can be included in CMRAD. The user interface is easy to use on a daily basis as it is is user friendly.

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If you are in search of alternatives to CMRAD, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top CMRAD alternatives.