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CoConstruct is a web-based residential remodeling estimating software that can be used by custom builders and remodelers to handle estimates, selections, bids, budgeting and more. You can enter your data once in this all-in-one tool, and have that information flow through the estimate to the specs, selections, bid requests, purchase orders, proposals, change orders and budget. It can be fully integrated with QuickBooks. Projects, clients, and contractors can be easily managed. You can stay organized by viewing, filtering, and interacting with all your bills in on centralized location. All your bills across projects or all your bills on an individual project can be viewed to approve, pay, delete, and push bills to QuickBooks. A customizable email address can be created to send all your bills to a single inbox for review, approval, and payment. Bills are automatically scanned by our SmartReader and details such as bill date, trade partner, line items, and amounts are extracted and added to your bill as it hit your inbox.

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If you are in search of alternatives to CoConstruct, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top CoConstruct alternatives.