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Construct 3 is a game development software that runs in the browser and is used by schools, indie developers and game making companies to make 2D games that can be exported to mobile and desktop platforms. You will be able to create and modify your creations and make your own game with powerful event sheet view. Complete control over your games can be taken by adding JavaScript files. Construct 3 is recognized as the easiest and most powerful game engine around that is used by game developers from all over the world. It is packed with all the tools you need to make, publish and monetize your own games. Special effects and gorgeous graphics can be easily added in Construct. You can publish to your favorite platforms with few easy clicks. 2D Drawing, In-App Purchase, In-Game Analytics, Multi-player Gaming Network, Physics Simulation and Prototype Creation are some of the features of Construct 3.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Construct 3, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Construct 3 alternatives.