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Contractor+ is a field service solution that can be used by Field Service Management, Handyman, Electricians, Plumbers, Landscaping, Pest Control to unite their team. Invoice, Schedule, Inspect, Track Tools & Assets, Log Time, Estimate & Mileage and more can be provided. The interface of the application is well laid out and super easy to navigate. The operational tasks can be streamlined using its features. All of your clients and their jobs can be kept in order. The platform can take clients potential or current from estimates to invoiced along with notes between the both parties and notes. Billing & Invoicing, Calendar Management, Alerts and Notifications, Dispatch Management, Electronic Payments, Electronic Signature, Inventory Management, Invoice Management, Job Management, Job Scheduling, Mobile Access, Mobile Payments, Payment Processing, Quotes/Estimates and Time Tracking are some of the features of Contractor+.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Contractor+, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Contractor+ alternatives.