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CV Partner is a SaaS tool that can be used by professional services firms, including construction, engineering, IT, consultancies, law firms and architects. Th way you manage CVs/Resumes and Case Studies for bids and proposals can be automated. You can tailor your company's CVs and credentials for tenders, bids or RFPs with CV Partner. CVs and Case Studies can be effortless exported to Word, PowerPoint and PDF, including client and bid specific templates. Less time will be spend on updating CVs and Case Studies by using CV Partner. Dynamic filters can be used to find the perfect team for the proposal. The most relevant experience for each unique proposal can be quickly highlighted. Tailored documents can be added to proposals and exported in bid-specific templates. All CVs and Case Studies can be managed in the proposal creation process. Your tailored CVs and Case Studies can be exported using branded or bid-specific templates.

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If you are in search of alternatives to CV Partner, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top CV Partner alternatives.