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Daton is a Data Management Software that can be used by Analysts, Data Engineers, Business Intelligence Teams to reduce the time spent on gathering data and on manual reporting. The time of your analyst can be reduced by automating data extraction and data consolidation so that they can focus on generating transformational business insights. Your data warehouse can be build and it can be leveraged for many use cases, including, enterprise reporting, sales consolidation, Marketing performance analysis, and predictive analytics. The analytics teams will be able to drive the next level of efficiency and growth for the business, as they can now operate in an agile environment testing and validating hypothesis at an unprecedented rate. All customer touch points can be effortlessly aggregated and a customer 360 solution can be build that fits your business requirements. A single view of the most current and complete information about products owned by customers and their interactions with the business can be provided. Your customer 360 profile can be connected with new data types to create actionable insights driven by machine learning and AI.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Daton, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Daton alternatives.