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Dundas BI is an Embedded Analytics Software that can be used by both business and technical users Software companies (ISVs and OEMs) to embed or integrate analytics into their own software. Dundas BI can be embedded and seamlessly integrated into your existing systems and applications for providing a great user experience. Your clients as well as web portal can be enhanced with better reporting. Dashboards can be embedded into your on-premises and SaaS. An entirely new data application can be build from scratch. Exceptional, customizable reporting and data analytics can be provided to gain real time insights. All your users can be empowered with powerful, easy-to-use analytics to make meaningful decisions from real time insights by leveraging the enterprise reporting and analytics platform. Your reporting and analytics vision can be brought to life by embedding world class analytics into your product. It can be ensured that you maximize profits and bring your application to market faster with its product architecture, open APIs and flexible licensing structure.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Dundas BI, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Dundas BI alternatives.