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eBASE is a robust, easy to use facility management software suite that can be used by education institutions, municipalities, and corporations. Users are empowered to track complete Work Order life cycles, simplify Facility Rentals, record Logs & Inspections and maximize Assets. Key facility operations can be organized & optimized across all departments. You can access up to date facility information with real-time software from anywhere. You will be able to open and view work orders, add comments, labour or images as work is completed. Facility permits can be reviewed and approved as public users submit requests. You can also record, store and report on institutional incidents and processes. The latest web technology can be integrated with the interface to maximize speed. Meaningful reports on work orders, facility rentals and much more can be analyzed and displayed. Various levels of access can be assigned to ensure each user has the access they need to do their job.

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If you are in search of alternatives to eBASE, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top eBASE alternatives.