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EngageBay is a simple, affordable, all in one marketing, sales and service CRM software that can be used for small businesses and startups to acquire, engage, nurture web visitors and convert them to happy customers. Leads can be acquired through lead generation forms and popups; web visitors can be engaged through beautiful landing pages; nurtured them through engaging emails, and your marketing funnel can be automated through marketing automation. All these can be done from one easy to use platform. Your marketing team will be able to take things to the next level with a comprehensive set of Marketing tools, including Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Email Template Builder, Landing Page Builder, Lead Generation tools, Social Suite & more.

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If you are in search of alternatives to EngageBay, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top EngageBay alternatives.