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eShipz is an all-in-one cloud-based shipping solution that can help streamline your entire supply chain to increase productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. By utilizing a single platform to manage all types of orders, including online, offline, forward, and reverse, you can retrieve data and reports for analysis to make informed decisions that can help increase efficiency and decrease liability. With eShipz, you can run reports on courier performance, region-specific delivery, and electronic proof of delivery (ePOD) to optimize your logistics management. Enhance your customers' delivery experience with eShipz, as they can be notified through various communication channels such as email, SMS, or WhatsApp. They can also track their shipments in real-time using a branded tracking page, which can help increase transparency and build trust with your customers. Additionally, eShipz offers an easy integration with any ERP software, enabling you to simplify and optimize your shipping operations with the one-click shipping function. With eShipz, you can manage all your major dispatching activities remotely, create shipping labels and AWB copies on the go, and track your shipments in real-time. This can save you overall dispatch time and increase your shipping efficiency, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and reduced costs.

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If you are in search of alternatives to eShipz, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top eShipz alternatives.