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Essential ERM stands as an award-winning, purpose-built enterprise risk management software tailored for mid-sized organizations, encompassing Banks, Credit Unions, Consulting Firms, Manufacturing, and Health Care sectors. This software offers a distinctive risk bow tie functionality, along with risk appetite frameworks, thresholds, strategy-centric risk evaluation, a board reporting module, heat maps, and more. By integrating these features, Essential ERM equips businesses with insights crucial for making informed decisions that align with their strategies. Its user-friendly interface facilitates efficient management of Enterprise Risk Management programs. Notably, the software ensures seamless updates and communication with the Board of Directors, enhancing transparency and collaboration. Among its features are Alerts/Notifications, Audit Management, Dashboard, Internal Controls Management, IT Risk Management, Legal Risk Management, Mobile Access, Operational Risk Management, Predictive Analytics, Reputational Risk Management, Risk Assessment, and Workflow Management, all contributing to its comprehensive and holistic approach.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Essential ERM, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Essential ERM alternatives.