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FieldEquip is a cloud-based Field Service Management (FSM) SaaS software platform that allows field service organizations to manage and facilitate customer and asset-centered activities effectively. It offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to capture real-time field data, either through field personnel using an advanced, intuitive mobile application or directly from the asset/equipment via IoT edge EquipConnect. As data is gathered in real-time, FieldEquip provides management and field support groups visibility of field activities and transactions, including escalations from established alert settings, sending notifications for proactive or immediate responsive measures. FieldEquip allows management to optimize workflows and enable field personnel to be more efficient and productive, collectively improving profitability.


Hwy. 6, Suite 117, Houston, Texas, 77077, United States
Number Of Employee

10-100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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